

The 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 Office of 本科招生 is committed to safeguarding the privacy of individuals who apply for admission to the 大学. 本隐私政策概述了大学的收藏, 使用, 以及潜在学生和申请者提供的信息披露. 当您向我们提交申请时, 或者在你的入学申请中向我们提供信息, 或使用我们的网站和其他服务, 您同意我们的收款, 使用, 以及按本隐私声明所述披露该等信息.


作为申请过程的一部分, the 大学 may collect Sensitive Information from you.  就本私隐声明而言, Sensitive Information is defined as your voluntary response in the application for admission to questions concerning your race, 民族起源, 还有犯罪前科.  敏感信息还包括宗教或哲学信仰, 工会会员资格, 健康数据, or sexual orientation that may be volunteered by you in your personal essay submitted with your application for admission.

作为申请过程的一部分, 大学还会收集您的一般信息,例如您的姓名, address, 电话号码, 和教育.  就本私隐声明而言, Information refers to all other information that you have provided to 本科招生 in your application.


十大博彩推荐排名州立’s Office of 本科招生 will 使用 Information that you provide to us and Information we collect about you to administer your application. 除了, 我们可能会使用您的信息来分析和改进我们的录取过程, 推广工作, 以及与您作为学生入学有关的其他大学流程和功能. We also might de-identify your Sensitive Information to 使用 for research or statistical purposes.  如果你被大学录取了, we will 使用 and share your Information and Sensitive Information internally with other 大学 offices and units as necessary and appropriate to support your success as a student, 提供教育, 建议, 住宅, 运动, 学生发展, 金融援助, 传达大学的活动, 在筹款方面.


我们可以收取 credit card information from you for your application fee and enrollment deposit. 一家信誉良好的第三方金融机构处理我们的信用卡交易.

当您通过我们的网站传输信用卡信息时, the numbers and letters are scrambled using encryption technology to protect the information from being stolen or intercepted. 保护你的安全, 我们不允许您存储您的信用卡号码从一个会话到另一个会话.


The 大学’s 使用 of cookies and other data from information technology can be found in the Privacy Notice for the Website.



  • 同意: We may 使用 and disclose your Information and Sensitive Information to third parties if we have your consent to do so.
  • 家长及监护人: 在某些情况下, we may share your Information with a parent or guardian if necessary to properly complete the admissions process or in the event of an emergency.
  • 服务提供商: 我们可能会使用第三方来支持我们的运营. 在这种情况下, we may share your Sensitive Information and Information with such third parties who are obligated to keep it confidential and safeguard it from unauthorized disclosure.
  • 学校辅导员和行政人员: 我们可能会使用您的信息,并与您的学校辅导员和管理人员分享.
  • 大学附属项目: We may share your Information with third parties that are affiliated with the 大学 for the purpose of contacting you about goods, 服务, 或者是你可能感兴趣的经历.
  • 研究: We may share your Information with third parties that study admissions or other topics related to higher education. We may also share your Information with third parties that conduct research or develop products or 服务 designed to improve admissions and other higher education functions.  If we do share your Information for this purpose, it will be de-identified through pseudonymisation.
  • 法律规定的: We may share your Information with third parties to the extent we are required to do so by law, 法院命令, 或传票.
  • 紧急情况: 我们可能会与第三方分享您的信息, 在我们看来, 这样的披露对于保护健康是必要的, 安全, 或任何人的财产.
  • 去识别和汇总信息: 我们可以收取, 使用 and disclose Sensitive Information or other Information about our applicants in de-identified or aggregate form without limitation.


You must have a secure browser—one that supports secure transmission of data across the Internet—to apply online to the 大学. 有关浏览器安全功能的更多信息,请使用浏览器的帮助功能.

We seek to implement appropriate security measures to protect your information when you transmit it to us and when we store it on our systems. 不幸的是,没有数据传输或存储可以保证100%的安全. 当您通过互联网向我们发送信用卡信息时, 我们使用行业标准的SSL(安全套接字层)加密. Your application account password is protected so that only you can access it and view the information that you provide to us through your application portal.  我们强烈建议您不要与任何人分享您的密码.


Your information will be retained by 本科招生 in accordance with the applicable retention periods in the Record Retention Schedule adopted by the State of New Jersey, 财政部, Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services – Record Management Services that is applicable to 4 Year Colleges and Universities.

Your information will be destroyed upon your request unless applicable law requires destruction after the expiration of an applicable retention period.  The manner of destruction shall be appropriate to preserve and ensure the confidentiality of your information given the level of sensitivity, 对大学的价值和重要性.


你有权要求查阅, 的副本, 整改, 的使用限制, 或删除您的信息. These rights differ depending upon the location within the world where Information and Sensitive Information was created or shared.  The erasure of your information is also subject to the Record Retention Schedule adopted by the State of New Jersey, 财政部, Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services – Record Management Services that is applicable to 4 Year Colleges and Universities. 如果您已同意使用您的信息, you have the right to withdraw consent without affecting the lawfulness of the 大学’s 使用 of the information prior to receipt of your request.  您可以通过以下方式行使这些权利: eugdpr-UG@eagle1027.com.

Information created in the European Union will be transferred out of the European Union to the 大学.  If you feel the 大学 has not complied with applicable foreign laws regulating such information, you have the right to file a complaint with the appropriate supervisory authority in the European Union.

我们可能随时更新或更改本政策. Your continued 使用 of this site after any such change indicates your acceptance of such changes.
