

The application window for the 2024 英语 Department Scholarships and Awards has closed. We extend our gratitude to all who submitted their applications.



The 英语 Department scholarships and awards application process is fully online. All scholarship and award application materials, including completed application forms and your essays, 诗, 或故事, 必须以电子方式上传至Canvas.

NOTE: If you are having trouble accessing the Canvas pages for individual awards, check your email inbox to see if you’ve received an invitation to join the Canvas Awards pages. If you haven’t, write for help to either of the Awards co-coordinators, Professor Jeff Gonzalez (gonzalezje@eagle1027.com)或米勒教授(millerje@eagle1027.com). They can send you an invitation to join the Canvas group for the Scholarships and Awards.

To apply for an individual scholarship or award, just click on one of the links below. You will be taken to a Canvas page that contains an application form with instructions on how to apply and a place to upload your application materials. For a full list of the scholarships and awards on Canvas, go 在这里.

请参阅 常见问题解答 on the scholarships and awards process before completing your application(s).

Please ALSO note: the creative writing awards (which are open to all 十大博彩推荐排名州立 undergraduate or graduate students, not just 英语 majors or 英语 graduate students) are listed below the ones focused on critical essays, 课外活动, and overall performance in the 英语 major / 英语 M.A. 程序. Keep scrolling to the bottom to find the creative writing awards.


  •     弗兰克·G. 以及Nicole McGuire奖学金 for most outstanding achievement as an 英语 major, awarded to a full-time undergraduate 英语 major with at least a 3.2累积
    平均绩点. 即将毕业的大四学生不符合资格. 2562美元的学费和杂费.
  •     The Bessie Saslaw Solomon Memorial Scholarship for an 英语 major who has shown a commitment to making a difference in the lives of people in the community. 可能的活动包括, 但不限于, tutoring those who cannot read or who are learning 英语 as a second language; bringing the beauty of the 英语 language or literature to the community in some way; organizing others to do these or other projects; etc. Particular consideration is given to students interested in teaching. 学生的平均成绩必须不低于3分.总成绩0分,3分.主修专业. (If two students meet these criteria, the scholarship may be divided equally between them.)即将毕业的大四学生不符合资格. 650美元的学杂费.
  •     莎莉·坎德尔奖学金 for an undergraduate 英语 major who is employed while pursuing his, her, or their studies. Preference is given to part-time students employed at least 20 hours per week. 至少得3分吧.0的绩点. 即将毕业的大四学生不符合资格. 1716美元的学费和杂费.
  •     W. 莱纳德纽曼奖 for an 英语 major who has shown excellence in writing about film. $250
  •     英语系教师教育奖 for an outstanding undergraduate 英语 major who has met all requirements for acceptance into the 英语 Education Program. $300
  •     伯纳德·弗莱希曼纪念奖 for an 英语 major who has shown excellence in the study of the humanities. $150.
  •     安东尼·洛瓦斯科莎士比亚奖 for an 英语 major who has shown excellence in Shakespeare studies. $150
  •     伊丽莎白·迪恩·埃勒纪念奖 for an outstanding essay by an undergraduate student focusing on poetry. $300. 接受者的平均绩点必须不低于3分.2或以上.
  •     默里·普罗斯基爱尔兰文学奖 for an outstanding paper on Irish literature written by an undergraduate or graduate student. $100.
  •     费雯·丽. Kwiatek奖学金: a need-based award for outstanding undergraduate 英语 majors or graduate students who have demonstrated financial need in terms of paying for tuition and other university student fees. The awarding of this scholarship is again based on academic achievement and financial need, with a student’s “need” being determined by the 十大博彩推荐排名州立 Financial Aid Office and taking into account other scholarships and grants that the student may already be receiving from the university or other funding bodies. 即将毕业的大四学生不符合资格. 请注意: students applying for the Kwiatek must have submitted a FAFSA form to financial aid before March 15th; 详情请参阅此页. 共有六个奖项,每个奖项的奖金上限为 7,226美元的学费和杂费.
  •     珍妮特·霍尔特奖学金 for a full-time student majoring in 英语 who has at least a 3.2累积绩点. 即将毕业的大四学生不符合资格. 650美元的学费和杂费.


  •     默里·普罗斯基爱尔兰文学奖 for an outstanding paper on Irish literature written by an undergraduate or graduate student. $100.
  •     费雯·丽. Kwiatek奖学金: a need-based award for outstanding undergraduate 英语 majors or graduate students who have demonstrated financial need in terms of paying for tuition and other university student fees. The awarding of this scholarship is again based on academic achievement and financial need, with a student’s “need” being determined by the 十大博彩推荐排名州立 Financial Aid Office and taking into account other scholarships and grants that the student may already be receiving from the university or other funding bodies. 即将毕业的大四学生不符合资格. 请注意: students applying for the Kwiatek must have submitted a FAFSA form to financial aid before March 15th; 详情请参阅此页. 共有六个奖项,每个奖项的奖金上限为 7,226美元的学费和杂费.
  •     玛丽·邦登研究生奖学金 for an outstanding graduate student who intends to pursue a career in teaching 英语 at the high school or college level. Students must have 8 or more credits remaining in MA 程序. 3270美元的学杂费.
  •     劳伦斯·H. 康拉德纪念奖学金 for an outstanding graduate student writing a thesis in American Literature. Students must have 5 or more credits remaining in the MA 程序. 1884美元的学费和杂费.

Four Creative Writing Awards (open to all 十大博彩推荐排名州立 undergraduate and graduate students):

  1.   The Johnny Muller Memorial Scholarship in Fiction: submit one story or excerpt from a longer piece (must be labeled as such), 共限20页, 双倍行距. $1000
  2.   汤姆·本尼迪克松诗歌奖: 最多提交三首诗. If you are submitting more than one poem, the limit is 60 lines per poem. 如果是一首长诗,限制是150行. $300
  3.   卡特·罗斯闪电小说奖: submit a single piece of fiction under 1,000 words, not including the title. It must be self-contained, not part of a larger work. $300
  4.   The Minnie Max Award for Creative Nonfiction: submit one piece of nonfiction writing, 共限20页, 双倍行距. $300