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Department Leadership

Photo of Jeremy Lopez

Jeremy Lopez, Chair

Dickson Hall 445

Jeremy Lopez, professor and chair, 他从多伦多大学来到英语系, 2005年到2022年他在哪里教书. 他在康奈尔大学获得博士学位, and from 2002 to 2005 he was Assistant Professor in the Department of English at the College of William & Mary. Professor Lopez is the author of numerous books and essays on the drama of Shakespeare and his contemporaries, 和总编辑 劳特利奇早期现代戏剧选集 (2020). 自2018年起,他担任 Shakespeare Quarterly是莎士比亚研究领域的旗舰杂志.
Jeffrey Gonzalez,助理教授,获得宾夕法尼亚州立大学博士学位. 他的研究兴趣包括20世纪和21世纪的美国小说, 后现代叙事和理论, and globalization theory. 他在……上发表过文章 Mosaic and Critique, and his current project considers the ways contemporary novels deal with neoliberal politics and economics. 他在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的课程包括1890年后的美国小说, Postwar American Fiction, 美国黑人作家, 批判性英语教学法.


十大博彩推荐排名的行政团队 973-655-7031, via email at chssadmin@eagle1027.com,或亲自前往迪克森170.

Full-Time Faculty

Fawzia Afzal-Khan, professor, received a PhD in English Literature from Tufts University. 主要研究方向为:第三世界后殖民文学与理论, Feminist Theory, Transnational Feminisms, 文化及表演研究. 她教授的课程包括:女性主义理论, Images of Muslim Women, Transnational Feminisms, Women Prose Writers, and World Literature. 她被公认为大学杰出学者, received a National Endowment for the Humanities grant for The Nightingales of Pakistan (2011), 并获得了2015-16年度巴基斯坦富布赖特奖学金. 她是五本书的作者,她的最新回忆录题为 Lahore With Love; Growing Up With Girlfriends Pakistani-Style (2010).
Lee Behlman,副教授,密歇根大学博士学位. His research interests include: Victorian poetry and prose; 19-century classicism; motherhood and gender studies; and the Bible as literature. 他教授的课程包括:英语追求和维多利亚诗歌. 他最近完成了这本书 维多利亚文学:批评与辩论 《十大博彩推荐排名》(Routledge出版社,2016).
Steffi Dippold, associate professor, received her PhD from Stanford and taught at Kansas State University before coming to Montclair. Steffi的教学和研究兴趣包括1900年前的美国文学, alternative archives, 美洲原住民和土著研究, book history, 物质与视觉文化, 以及早期现代全球和当地的日常生活文化. Steffi loves working with students in local museums and repositories to explore how nontextual literacies give voice to ordinary and overlooked people. Steffi出版的材料包括印刷装饰品, 实际键和文本键的文化逻辑, to early Native American bookbinding and the first North American Indigenous grammar.
Monika Elbert,教授,罗格斯大学博士学位. Her research interests include: 19th-century women writers; American Romanticism, 19th-century American children’s literature; and American Gothic. 她教授的课程包括:早期美国文学, 美国抵抗文学, and American Romanticism. 埃尔伯特是大学杰出学者,也是《十大博彩推荐排名》的前编辑 Nathaniel Hawthorne Review. Recent books include: 萦绕现实:自然主义哥特式和美国现实主义 (阿拉巴马大学P, 2017年,共同编辑和共同介绍); 英美旅行者与19世纪文学中的旅馆体验 (Routledge, 2017,合编和共同介绍); 十九世纪美国文学中的浪漫主义教育 (Routledge, 2014, co-edited and co-intro); and 跨国哥特:漫长的十九世纪的文学与社会交流 (Ashgate, 2013, co-ed. and co-intro). Her latest book, Hawthorne in Context, 将于2018年由剑桥大学出版社出版.
Grover Furr,教授,普林斯顿大学博士. 他的研究兴趣包括:中世纪及近代的英国文学, 斯大林时期的苏联历史, roughly 1930 – 1953. He teaches courses including: Medieval English Literature; Chaucer; King Arthur and Arthurian Literature in Medieval England; The English Language; World Literature (non-Western literature); Social Protest Literature in the U.S.; English Literature I: Beginnings to 1660; History of Journalism in America; and Great Books and Ideas, I. Furr has also published many books and articles on the history of the Soviet Union during Stalin period.
David Galef, 英语教授和创意写作项目主任, 他在哥伦比亚大学获得博士学位. 他的研究兴趣包括现代英国文学, 奇幻和科幻小说, and creative writing, all subjects he teaches. 他是十多本书的作者,包括 简洁:一本闪光小说手册 (哥伦比亚大学,2016),短篇小说集 我和尼安德特女人的约会 and the poetry collection Kanji Poems. His essays on Joyce, Woolf, Forster, Nabokov, Auden and others have appeared in places ranging from 二十世纪文学 to 哥伦比亚的英国小说史. 最近的出版物包括 高等教育编年史 and The Writer’s Chronicle.
Willard Gingerich, Professor of English, 2008年加入十大博彩推荐排名州立大学,担任教务长 & 2008年至2021年担任学术事务副校长. 在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学任职之前, 金格里奇担任教务长, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Professor of English at Fairleigh Dickinson University. Before that, he served first as Dean of the Graduate School and then as Vice Provost for Graduate Programs and Research at St. John’s University.

前美国文学富布赖特学者, Gingerich received a BA in English from the State University of New York at Buffalo. His graduate studies took him to Mexico where he studied indigenous and colonial literary cultures at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and the Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia. His doctorate in English was conferred by the University of Connecticut where he was both an NDEA Fellow and an NDFL Fellow. Read more.

Jonathan Greenberg, professor, received his PhD in English and American Literature from Princeton University and his BA from Harvard University. His research interests include: Modernism; 20th Century British/Anglophone; Comedy and Satire; Darwin and Literature; and Literary Theory. 他教授的课程包括:现代英国小说, James Joyce, 喜剧和讽刺传统, Pursuits of English, World Literature, 英国文学II(1660年至今), and The Art of Poetry. He is the author of 现代主义、讽刺与小说 剑桥大学出版社(2011)出版 剑桥讽刺入门 (2019),和Nathan Waddell的编辑 《美丽新世界:背景与遗产 (Palgrave, 2016). His most recent book, Mobituaries, co-written with Mo Rocca of CBS Sunday Morning, was published by Simon and Schuster in 2019.
Melinda Knight, 卓越写作中心的教授和主任, 在纽约大学获得美国研究博士学位. Her research interests include American Studies and writing within and across the disciplines, 包括类的交叉点, gender, identity, 以及美国文学中的种族问题, 唯美主义和颓废主义的表现, and representations of the American West–particularly in the period from the 1890s to WW II. 她正在参与几个资助的社区扫盲项目, 也是卓越写作中心的主任, 她致力于向学生推广写作文化, faculty, staff, 校友和社区成员. She is also the editor of BPCQ.
Johnny Lorenz, professor, received a PhD in English from the University of Texas at Austin. His research interests include Brazilian literature, poetry writing and translation. He teaches courses including World Literature, Poetry Writing, and Brazilian Literature. 他的学术文章曾发表在……等期刊上 Modern Fiction Studies, Luso-Brazilian Review and Brasil/Brazil. 他对克拉丽斯·利斯佩克特的翻译 A BREATH OF LIFE 入围了最佳翻译图书奖.
Alexios Lykidis自2009年以来一直在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学教授电影研究. 他的研究兴趣包括全球电影, contemporary capitalism, 多元文化主义和政治电影制作传统. 他的作品曾发表在 交叉点:移民与文化杂志, the 希腊媒体与文化杂志 and the 现代希腊研究杂志 and anthologies such as 《迈克尔·哈内克的伴侣, 威利-布莱克威尔美国电影史 and 危机电影:电影与当代欧洲. He is the author of 艺术电影和新自由主义 (帕尔格雷夫·麦克米伦,2021).
Patricia Matthew, associate professor, 获得马萨诸塞大学英语文学博士学位, Amherst. 她的研究兴趣包括:英国浪漫主义(诗歌和小说), the history of the novel, 英国废奴主义文学, and women’s writing. 她教授英国浪漫主义课程, the history of the novel, 以及英国废奴主义文学. She is the co-editor of a special issue for Romantic Pedagogy Commons and has published essays and reviews in Women’s Writing, 19世纪性别研究, and the Keats-Shelley Journal. She is also the editor of 书面/不成文:多样性和终身职位的隐藏真相 (北卡罗来纳大学出版社,2016). She is currently writing a monograph about sugar, gender, 以及英国废奴主义文学.
Jeffrey Alan Miller, associate professor, received his DPhil in English Language and Literature from the University of Oxford. 他专门研究早期现代文学, history, and theology, 特别关注约翰·弥尔顿和他同时代的作品. 他定期教授本科生和研究生有关弥尔顿的课程, early modern literature, literary theory, and critical writing. 他发表的文章曾出现在 中世纪和早期现代研究杂志, Milton Studies, Milton Quarterly, and 《泰晤士报文学副刊》, among other venues, and he is currently completing a monograph entitled “Signifying Shadows: Early Modern Typology, Milton, 以及作家的思维在起作用.” In 2015, Miller also announced his discovery of what is now the earliest known draft of the King James Bible, and he is in the process of preparing a book-length edition and study of the manuscript. 他于2019年被授予麦克阿瑟基金会奖学金.
Laura Nicosia, professor, received a PhD in American Literature from New York University. Her research and teaching interests include: Modern/Contemporary American fiction and poetry, 青少年和儿童文学, social justice, science fiction, speculative fiction, 协作式社交媒体. She is the author of 教育工作者在线:为今天的教育工作者准备明天的数字素养 作者:Peter Lang Publishing(2013),他是该文集的联合编辑: 透过扭曲的镜头:21世纪的媒介课程与教学法 by Sense Publishing (2017). Her upcoming project, 亲爱的德沃斯部长:我们想让您了解的关于教育的事情 预计将于2018年夏季发布(Brill/Sense Publishers). She is also working on two monograph projects—one on Gloria Naylor, the second on the The Posthuman Chimera and Monstrous Other in Young Adult Literature and Popular Culture.
Wendy C. 尼尔森教授的成绩是B.A. 在加州大学圣地亚哥分校获得德国文学博士学位.D. in Comparative Literature from UC Davis and has also studied at Georg August University of Göttingen in Germany. 她是推理小说方面的专家, European (British, German, and French) Romanticism, drama, 以及18和19世纪的(女性)作家. 她写了两本书, 爱情剧中的女战士 and 无母造物:人造生命的虚构,1650-1890 and published essays 《英国文学研究, Comparative Drama, The Eighteenth Century, the European Romantic Review, the Goethe Yearbook, and edited collections. Read more.
Michael Robbins,副教授,芝加哥大学博士. 主要研究方向为现当代诗歌, popular music, critical theory, and political economy. He teaches courses in creative writing such as Introduction to Poetry Writing and Intermediate Poetry Workshop. 他是这本文集的作者 生活用具:诗歌和流行音乐 (Simon & 舒斯特,2017)和诗集 Alien vs. Predator (2012) and The Second Sex (2014),均由企鹅出版社出版. 他的诗歌、评论文章和评论曾发表在以下出版物上: The New Yorker, The Paris Review, Poetry, Harper’s, London Review of Books, and BOOKFORUM.
Adam Rzepka,副教授,芝加哥大学博士. 他的研究兴趣包括早期现代文学和表演, 科学史和认识史, and critical theory. He teaches courses on Shakespeare, early modern poetics, text and image, and literary theory. 他是许多文章和书籍章节的作者, 包括“一丛灌木有多容易被认为是熊。?:区分想象力的生产 《仲夏夜之梦》 in Shakespeare Quarterly 以及《十大博彩推荐排名》,即将出版 Shakespeare Studies.
阿特·西蒙,教授,纽约大学电影研究博士. His research interests include the History of American film and Jewish-American cultural history. 他在电影研究项目中教授广泛的课程. Simon is the co-editor of 美国电影史:阅读选集,第一卷和第二卷(Wiley, 2016)和 威利-布莱克威尔美国电影史, 4卷(Wiley-Blackwell, 2012). He is also the author of 危险的知识:艺术和电影中的肯尼迪遇刺 (Temple UP, 2nd printing, 2013 with a new preface); “Make Way for Youth: The American Jewish Committee and the Social Problem Film,” American Jewish History, Vol. 97, N. 4, 2013. 他的DVD评论 Kid Galahad,与罗伯特·斯克拉(Robert Sklar)合作,是 亨弗莱·鲍嘉:精华集.
Keith Slocum,教授,宾夕法尼亚大学博士学位. His current research interests include the revision process between genres in selected works by Arthur Miller. 他教授的课程包括英国文学I:始于1660年和小说艺术. 他是这些书的作者 The English Workshop (2003), 商务拼写和文字能力 (2001年与罗斯玛丽·麦考利合作) Business English (1993)均由Glencoe/McGraw-Hill出版.

Emeriti Faculty

Tom Benediktsson
Dan Bronson
Janet Cutler
Rita Jacobs
Sharon Lewis
Deena Linett
Alyce Miller
James Nash
Larry Schwartz
Gregory Waters

Part-Time Faculty

Megan Blumenreich
Rachel Carter
Claudia Cortese
Kathryn Curto
Tara DiMattia
LaQuette Holmes
Janis Hubschman
Dana Maloney
Henry Margenau
Michael Morgan
James Nicosia
Jill Rosenberg
Mark Rotella
Jacob Suskewicz
Sasha Troyan
Boris Tsessarsky
Lauren Zucker