
The 优秀教师办公室 supports all faculty – adjunct faculty to full professors – in teaching & 学习优秀, 职业发展, 以及学术领导力, 通过面对面和在线编程, 一个强大的网站, and faculty development programming designed for sustained impact on faculty excellence and student success.

The 优秀教师办公室 (OFE) promotes faculty excellence in teaching and learning through education and coaching on a variety of teaching and learning topics, 发展项目, and specialized services developed for faculty groups seeking support for specific classes or students. OFE provides guidance on teaching for both new and seasoned instructors, 对每一个教师都是如此. OFE integrates the 大学’s determination to support all students’ success through efforts that bring data and evidence-based practice to faculty seeking to advance their teaching to inspire and meet their students’ needs.

The 优秀教师办公室 offers support for faculty beyond teaching and learning:

  • Support for research and career development, 通过写作小组和工作坊, that aid faculty in learning systems and strategies for doing the hard work of an independent scholar. OFE also serves as a clearinghouse to guide faculty to the many programs, 办公室, and informational sources that join OFE in supporting their excellence.
  • 对学术带头人的支持, from department chairs to course coordinators through resources that make it easier to do the job well. 资源,如椅子挠痒文件, Best Practices in Faculty Hiring and the Chairs Dashboard (in Tableau) equip leaders with information, data, and resources that can help faculty leaders support excellence in their programs and faculty.

The 优秀教师办公室 is part of the Provost’s Office and is located on the first floor of 斯普拉格图书馆.


Dr. 艾米丽艾萨克斯, Professor in the Department of Writing Studies, 有长期的教学经验, 奖学金, 并在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学服务. Dr. 艾萨克发表 Writing at the State U: Instruction and Administration at 106 U.S. 综合性大学 (2018)和 交叉点:学术写作 与凯瑟琳·基奥汉(2017). She has published numerous articles on teaching writing, writing programming in public higher education, 以及高等教育的挑战.

Associate Director for Teaching and Learning

Dr. 凯瑟琳>》 Ph值.D. 罗格斯大学的英语授课. She She has designed and taught upper- and lower-division literature, 人文学科, 以及写作课程, and has experience teaching in multiple modalities. She has presented on student engagement at MLA, and has developed open-educational resources that work to mitigate financial barriers to students’ success while also serving students’ sense of belongingness.


产后Smith-Santos joined the OFE in January of 2023 after seven years working for the MTA in the Real Estate Department where she served in several capacities, most recently as the Facilities Management Administrator.  在大都会运输署工作之前, Dalilah worked for the Children’s Aid – Next Generation Center supporting this NYC organization in providing services to help children in poverty succeed and thrive.  Ms. 史密斯-桑托斯获得了B.S in Public Administration from John Jay College.


维拉Senina 是Ph值.D. Candidate in Slavic Studies at Columbia 大学. Her teaching and 奖学金 spans across disciplines, 包括批判理论, 医学人文, 计算语言学, 第二语言习得. Vera has experience teaching in diverse modalities, designing innovative student-centered courses, and organizing conference panels and workshops on inclusive curriculum development, 评估策略, and project-based and experiential learning. She also has top-company industry experience in project management and staff development.

Dr. 考特尼·格洛尔·克里明斯 is a Faculty Developer in the 优秀教师办公室 and serves as OFE’s Adjunct Liaison. She is also an Adjunct Faculty member in the Department of World Languages and Cultures, 她在那里教德语. Her approach to teaching is based in collaborative, project-based learning. In both the face-to-face and online courses she teaches, students work together in small learning groups, 探索真实的数字资源, 并使用技术来学习语言. 考特尼有博士学位.D. in Germanic Language and Literature from the 大学 of Michigan.

Dr. 帕特丽夏米. Virella, an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, has joined OFE as a Faculty Leader for AY24.  Dr. Virella’s research focuses on implementing equity-oriented leadership through leader responses, 程序化的干预措施, 和准备. Dr. Virella also studies equity-oriented crisis leadership examining how school leaders can respond to crises without further harming marginalized communities. She seeks to answer research questions to enable transformation and liberation in school leaders, 地区及政策.


哈贾尔Ismailzada 是办公室的研究生助理.  She is currently pursuing her Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology with a School Psychology certification.  Her future goals consist of working as a school psychologist and receiving her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology with a concentration in Neuropsychology.