Clinical Psychology program at Montclair State University


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临床心理学,儿童/青少年心理学专业(硕士)- STEM指定学位课程

临床心理学硕士课程中的儿童/青少年心理学专业为学生提供临床心理学基础水平的培训, with a focus on clinical child psychology. 儿童/青少年方向的学生学习儿童和青少年独特的心理需求, as well as developmental considerations in psychopathology, assessment, and treatment, including the role of family and social contexts. 这种浓度的目的是准备学生在心理健康设置ma级临床职位, particularly those that serve children and families (e.g.(社区精神卫生机构、护理管理组织),不需要执照. 学生也可以寻求临床研究助理和协调员的职位, as well as pursue doctoral-level study.

Along with the Clinical Psychology, Child/Adolescent Clinical Psychology Concentration degree, 该系还为研究生学习提供以下选择: Clinical Psychology with a concentration in Forensic Psychology, a PhD in Clinical Psychology, and a certificate in School Psychology.

Please refer to our programs of study 该页面提供了大学内所有研究生课程的综合列表.

Admission Requirements
研究生招生办公室要求提供相当于美国大学毕业证书的材料.S. 学士学位,才有资格申请研究生课程. 申请人必须具有心理学学士学位或至少12个心理学本科学分, 包括统计学课程和实验/研究方法论课程. 请注意:心理学入门课程不计入最低学分要求, 虽然这可能是其他心理学课程的先决条件.

Applicants with non-U.S. degrees, please visit the International Applicants page to review the U.S. degree equivalency information.

Application Checklist

created an application checklist. This checklist can be a reference point for you during the
program of interest.

  • Application Deadline: For Fall semester admission only. Priority Deadline: March 15th. 申请临床心理学硕士课程,必须在3月15日前完成, including all required supplemental materials, will receive priority review. 所有优先候选人将在4月30日前收到录取决定. 在优先截止日期之后完成的申请将以滚动方式进行审查,直到该计划满额为止.
  • 提交在线申请:请创建您的在线帐户并按照以下方式提交您的申请 general application instructions and pay (or waive) the non-refundable $60 application fee. Once this step has been completed, 在线门户网站将允许你上传你的补充材料.

以下是临床心理学申请所需的补充材料清单, Child/Adolescent Psychology Concentration (MA) program:

  • Transcript: One from each college attended.
  • Essays/Personal Statement
    • Articulate clearly, concisely, and in specific terms your relevant academic, research, and psychology-related experiences and interests.
    • 请描述你如何预见儿童/青少年的专注有助于你未来的教育和/或职业目标.
    • Finally, 你也可以强调任何其他的优势,使你成为我们项目的优秀候选人, 以及解释你的应用程序中任何相对薄弱的领域(例如.g.(如果你的GPA低于推荐的最低分数,或者你在某门课程中的表现不佳).
  • Letters of Recommendation: Two letters of recommendation, preferably from faculty familiar with your work.
  • Sample of written work related to the field(s) of psychology, particularly in your desired area of concentration. This might be a paper written for a previous course, an original research project summary, 或者其他一些在申请过程之前准备和完成的原始写作.
  • Curriculum vitae/resume
  • Minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0*
    • *Applicants with a GPA between 2.7 and 3.0 will be considered for admission, though 3.0 and above is recommended. Applicants with a GPA below 2.7 will not be considered for admission. 
    • *如果申请人申请的其他方面表明其在该计划中有很大的成功潜力,则未达到我们GPA要求的申请人将被考虑入学.  
  • GRE普通考试成绩(如果你的本科总GPA至少为3分,可选).3 or have completed a master’s level degree)
  • 面试:所有被选中的申请人在审查其申请后进入下一阶段的录取过程, must complete an admissions interview with program faculty. 心理学系将为临床心理学硕士和学校心理学认证课程举办预选面试日.

    At this time, 面试通过Zoom进行,由两名教员和/或临床硕士项目主任进行.

    After signing up for an interview date, 候选人将收到一封后续邮件,代表心理学系 确认面试日期并提供额外信息. 招生面试为招生委员会提供了了解每位候选人背景的机会,  interests, and goals, 以及评估每个候选人的研究生学习准备. Overall, 未来的学生必须得到教师对他们临床实习和书面交流潜力的积极评估. Of note, prior to the virtual interview, 候选人将获得有关该项目的书面材料.

  • Applicants with non-U.S. degrees, please visit the International Applicants page to review the US degree equivalency information.

Students must complete 36 credits. 大多数学生在两年的全日制学习中完成硕士课程. 请注意,学生必须在参加PSYC 680之前完成所有课程(除了PSYC 510). For more information, please visit the Clinical Psychology, 大学目录中列出的儿童/青少年集中(MA)课程.


如果您对申请流程和要求有任何一般性问题, please email or call us:
Office of Graduate Admissions
Telephone: 973-655-5147
Fax: 973-655-7869

如果您对您感兴趣的课程有具体的询问, please contact the Clinical Psychology, 儿童/青少年心理学专业(硕士)项目协调员:

Program Coordinator: Jessica Spat-Lemus