Teaching in Elementary Education at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学

Teacher Education and Certification

Teacher Education and Certification Programs

Are you interested in becoming a school teacher? Or are you a teacher looking for an additional certification? 我们致力于培养和支持知识渊博的教师,他们对公平和多样性有着坚定的承诺, critical thinking and social responsibility. 我们国家和国际公认的教师教育计划有许多独特的特点, which include curricular emphasis, 教育学中心, as well as partnerships with local schools and communities. 自1954年以来,该计划已获得国家教师教育认证委员会(NCATE)的认可.

研究生可以选择在获得硕士学位的同时获得教师资格认证,也可以选择在获得学士学位后获得教师资格认证. If you are interested in learning about our doctoral program, please visit the Teacher Education and Teacher Development (PhD) 项目页面.

请浏览 教育学中心 网页,浏览更多有关教师教育奖学金及助学金的资料.

2: MAT with Dual Certification - Teacher of Students with Disabilities


MAT Dual Certification Programs:

请参阅我们的 学习计划 该页面提供了大学内所有研究生课程的综合列表.