
十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 is excited to welcome you as an inbound exchange student for the upcoming academic semester. 成立于1908年, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 is recognized as a premier research institution in the state of New Jersey. The campus sprawls over 252 acres in three different communities and is host to approximately 22,每年有1000名学生. 

作为一架红鹰, 你不仅会加入这个充满活力的社区, but you will also get to benefit from many of our amenities. Whether it is our fourteen mile proximity to New York City with transportation located just steps from your student housing or the lively downtown scene of Montclair where there are live theaters, 艺术博物馆, 和画廊. 市中心到处都是餐馆, 电影院, 商店, and public parks that attract visitors from all over the region. 

This community provides the grounding for the amazing opportunities that you will have while living at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学. The Office of 国际学术活动 has a  longstanding tradition of inviting students from around the globe to contribute to our local community and to leave with a greater sense of global belonging. Whether you are a student visiting for a semester from a partner school in the United States on National Student Exchange to a globe trotter flying fourteen hours across the globe, we welcome you with the utmost excitement as you join us here at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学.  

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 Exchange and Visiting Fact Sheet 2024-2025

Group of Spring 2024 students in Central Park on Bridge in front of water


入境交换生 are those who come partnering universities for a semester or year long academic program. These students are enrolled temporarily at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 for a short term period and will return to their home university to complete their studies and graduate.

入境交换生 are students that are visiting on semester long or annual exchanges from partnering universities abroad, students who are participating in the National Student Exchange, 以及姐妹城市学者项目的学生. They are not permanent residents of the area and will only live on campus for a pre-determined set of time.

As you navigate your journey as an Inbound Exchange Student, we encourage you to review this handbook with access to information that will help your transition at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学.


Inbound exchange students are not international students who will graduate from 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学, those who are transferring to the university from a foreign institution to complete their studies, 或国际奖学金候选人. 

如果你是其中之一 国际年代学生和需要帮助的,请访问 全球参与办公室 website to learn more about their services or 在这里联系他们. 


How do I apply to be an Inbound Exchange Student at Montclair?

Students who attend 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 as 入境交换生 are reviewed in a nomination process. Students who attend a university with an active exchange should contact their study abroad advisor to learn more about the nomination process and requirements. National Student Exchange (NSE) students are placed directly through the program.

Nominations from exchange partners should be sent to Jessica Epstein (epsteinj@eagle1027.com),学期项目协调员. 布鲁克·克林格(klingerb@eagle1027.com), the Program Associate for Inbound Exchange and Campus Engagement will email nominated students the link to their application. Students should not fill out an application until they have received written confirmation from both their study abroad advisor and Brooke Klinger.


Our mandatory orientation provides essential information about your J-1 visa, 校园组织/活动, 学术要求, 正在适应美国的生活, 以及其他一些话题. It provides a great opportunity for you to meet other exchange or visiting students. As part of your mandatory orientation, we will provide a 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 campus tour. We often plan an excursion into New York City as part of this orientation as well, and information will be shared with you if one is planned for your starting semester.



Group of three members of the Office of 国际学术活动 in front of television with image of Burkina Faso cultural clothing. There is a man on the left side and two women to his right sitting in front of a table with a red tablecloth that has the office logo.

For general questions and inquiries related to inbound exchange students please contact:

布鲁克克林格, klingerb@eagle1027.com

Coordinators with questions about exchanges can contact:

杰西卡·爱普斯坦 epsteinj@eagle1027.com


蒂姆•白 whitet@eagle1027.com