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How to Get Ahead in Your Career: Take Job-Oriented Spanish Classes


发布: 首页新闻, Humanities and Social Sciences, 未分类的

A woman points to a screen with Spanish adjectives on it.
兼职教授阿比盖尔·法纳(Abigail Fana), 22届硕士,教授西班牙语I,并在职业生涯中使用她在十大博彩推荐排名学到的西班牙语,比如在直播中用西班牙语解释十大博彩推荐排名2023年的毕业典礼.

Increasingly at 十大博彩推荐排名州立 大学, 你好,español. 从与媒体合作伙伴合作,培训未来的数字故事讲述者,到向未来的执法人员教授西班牙语, health care and teaching professionals, Montclair’s students are learning Spanish specific to their chosen fields.

高级法学, 法律与社会专业的纳耶利斯·费尔南德斯(Nayelis Fernandez)认为,执法西班牙语课程对她在一家律师事务所暑期实习的帮助很大. “It gave me a lot of confidence,她说。.

“When I started school, I really wasn’t speaking Spanish outside of my home, so I thought the class would challenge me, especially since I want to become an immigration attorney,费尔南德斯说。, who has since been hired as a legal assistant at the firm where she interned. “Even though the class was specifically for law enforcement, more on the criminal side, 我真的学到了很多. It challenged me, and it helped me with writing and speaking better.”

Fernandez says the class, taught by adjunct professor Mayra Badillo, 不仅帮助她学习了西班牙语的法律术语,还保持了一定的专业水平. “巴迪洛教授挑战我们,要我们说话的样子就好像我们是在警察局工作一样, so we would have to practice giving speeches to the community,她说。, 她补充说,她希望这门课能继续帮助她实现成为移民律师的目标.  “我想为这些人发声,帮助他们,因为他们不知道法律是什么, and with immigration law, it’s constantly changing.”

Antonella Calarota-Ninman在彩色马赛克瓷砖前的木椅上摆姿势拍照.
Antonella Calarota-Ninman, Spanish language coordinator for the Spanish and Latino Studies department, says career-specific courses help students in their chosen professions.

执法西班牙语是西班牙语部门名册上最近增加的以职业为重点的课程, says Antonella Calarota-Ninman, Spanish language coordinator for the Spanish and Latino Studies department. There is also Spanish for 健康 Practitioners. 其他类, such as Spanish for Heritage Speakers, Spanish for Teachers and Spanish and International 业务 have been offered for some time; the latter by the Feliciano School of 业务 for many years.

While the department offers a robust roster of Spanish courses, including Negotiation Skills in Spanish, 笔译和口译证书,以及许多遗产演讲者的课程, 卡拉罗塔-宁曼说,她经常告诉学生关于职业专门课程的情况. “想象一下,通过一门课程来满足你的语言要求,为你的职业做准备,这将是多么有用,她说。.

执法西班牙语课程主要由司法研究专业的学生组成, 说Badillo, a former lawyer in France and the Dominican Republic, who created the curriculum. 她说她的课, 编号30, consist of students interested in becoming police officers, lawyers and social workers. 她给他们展示真实的场景,让他们扮演角色,并用西班牙语给人们指示.

Badillo, who is married to a retired police officer, 说或理解西班牙语可能意味着生与死的区别. “当你在执法领域工作时,说西班牙语是很重要的.”

A woman stands in front of students, gesturing.
兼职教授Abigail Fana ' 22硕士,教学生在她的西班牙语I班.

兼职教授阿比盖尔·法娜有十大博彩推荐排名西班牙语课程,感谢她在大学的职业生涯. Fana graduated with a BA in English, 语言学和西班牙语辅修,2020年获得翻译证书,2022年获得西班牙语硕士学位和口译证书. While a teaching assistant working on her master’s, 法娜开办了讲习班,每周带领大约300名学生进行西班牙语口语交流. 直到今天,这些研讨会仍然是每两周进行一次,由教授和助教分担工作.

When a Spanish professor left the 大学, Fana was asked to teach and has now taught Spanish I for three semesters. 她目前也在教授休假期间教翻译1. While other opportunities have arisen, she is happy teaching Spanish I. “我觉得教西班牙语I和鼓励学生可以带来更大的不同, emphasizing how important it is, teaching them culture and things like that,法娜说。.

法娜还与她的朋友理查德·索利斯(Richard Solis)共同主持了十大博彩推荐排名大学今年首次西班牙语毕业典礼联播的西班牙语翻译, whose master’s is also in Spanish.

“有很好的, 积极的评论,她说。, noting that the three ceremonies racked up almost 6,000 views despite not being advertised. “这真的很棒,因为这是他们第一次这样做, and it really helped people because there are so many Hispanics,她说。. Fana is  hoping for even more listeners during the 2024 Commencement, for which she will be interpreting.

与此同时, 她和索利斯目前正在做另一项“第一”——翻译大学的网站, beginning with the FAQ pages – “also a pretty big, 重要的一步,她说。.

除了西班牙语和拉丁裔研究部门开设的许多课程之外, Montclair also has a Spanish journalism class, Reportando las Noticias. 类 is unusual in that it is available to all majors.

“It’s open to the campus community, so anybody can take the class,托马斯·富兰克林说, an associate professor in the School of Communication and Media. “No matter what your major is, what your area of interest is, and no matter what your language proficiency is, 我们欢迎大家.”

类, which started in 2019 after two students pitched the idea, is offered in the spring semester. “The idea is that most people speak or understand some Spanish, and the competency in Spanish varies quite a bit,富兰克林说。, who co-leads the class with a Spanish-language media professional. While much of the class is in English, “there was a good amount of Spanish spoken and instruction in both languages.”


Translation News Service

Also employing both English and Spanish is the NJ News Commons Spanish Translation News Service, 十大博彩推荐排名合作媒体中心的一个项目通过75美元的,000 grant from New Jersey Civic Information Consortium (NJCIC). 现在已经是第二年了, 该服务将英语新闻文章翻译成西班牙文,以便在西班牙文出版物上发表.

该服务于2020年总统大选前在民主基金和NJCIC的资助下进行了试点,并将与选举有关的内容翻译成西班牙语,以帮助增加“拉丁裔社区的选民参与”,” says Anthony Advincula, 合作媒体中心的种族和社区媒体协调员. It started with seven English- and Spanish-language media partners.

What the participating news organizations discovered, 他说, is that there was value in translating other stories as well. “西班牙语新闻机构没有主流媒体那样的资源来报道这些故事,Advincula说, “So, it became all types of stories – from breaking news to investigative news, rather than just election-related content.”

如今,这家翻译公司拥有12家英语和西班牙语媒体合作伙伴. They include:, NJ Advance Media/, 阿斯伯里公园出版社, Press of Atlantic City, NJ Spotlight News/NJ PBS, Front Runner New Jersey, The Latino Spirit, 新泽西西班牙, Americano Newspaper, CATA Radio and 通讯报西班牙的.


新泽西西班牙 编辑Maricarmen Amado表示,这项服务对她的数字和印刷报纸都很有帮助. “The stories have been prepared for larger newspapers with larger teams, resulting in stories with more depth,她说。, adding that the feedback from Spanish readers has been positive.

Given her journalistic background, Amado translates the stories. “It’s easy for me to understand and translate,她说。. “It’s not just translated but written in the way that Hispanics speak.”


特约撰稿人报道 西尔维娅一个. 马丁内斯. Photos by 大学 Photographer 迈克
