
十大博彩推荐排名州立大学开设查尔斯J. 欣奇利夫体育场博物馆

New museum 和 learning center will chronicle history of Hinchliffe 和 serve as educational resource for Paterson 和 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 students

发布: 首页新闻, 新闻稿, 大学

Three people st和 in front of banners that provide history at 欣克利夫体育场的穆特博物馆
From Left: 劳拉 Muth, 十大博彩推荐排名校长乔纳森·科佩尔, 和 查克Muth '77 in The 查尔斯·J. 欣克利夫体育场的穆特博物馆.

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学正式开设查尔斯J. 欣奇利夫体育场博物馆, 这是该校与帕特森市日益密切的合作关系的最新亮点, 在4月11日的一个特别活动上.

Distinguished guests 和 elected officials were on h和 for the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the new museum 和 learning center, 突出了十大博彩推荐排名校友和帕特森本地人对转型的支持 查克Muth ' 77 和他的妻子劳拉.

十大博彩推荐排名校长乔纳森·科佩尔, 查克Muth, 帕特森市长安德烈·萨耶格说, Hinchliffe的开发者Baye Adofo-Wilson说, 帕特森公立学校负责人劳里. 纽维尔和博物馆馆长杰西卡·布什在上午的节目中发表了讲话, 其中还包括罗莎·L. 帕克斯美术与表演艺术学院合唱团.


Muth’s $5 million gift will allow Montclair to serve as an educational partner for the museum, which will chronicle the history 和 legacy of Hinchliffe Stadium – one of two remaining Negro League baseball stadiums in the country 和 a cultural touchstone in the city.

“查克体现了十大博彩推荐排名州立大学与众不同的一切, 和 the impact of he 和 劳拉’s philanthropic support in ensuring generations of our students can also succeed cannot be overstated,科佩尔说. “This museum is a truly collaborative effort 和 strengthens our bond with one of the most vibrant 和 diverse communities in New Jersey. It will be a space that will not only allow members of the city to engage with educational programming, but that will also provide experiential learning opportunities for 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 students. We are thrilled to officially launch this initiative 和 are grateful to Chuck 和 劳拉 for helping make it a reality.”

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 乔纳森·科佩尔总统 speaks about the 大学’s bond with Paterson to invited guests 和 elected officials at the opening of Muth Museum.

这份礼物进一步加强了穆家对十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的持续支持. 在欣奇利夫体育场附近长大, Chuck graduated from Montclair in 1977 和 has served on the advisory board of the 大学’s Feliciano School of 业务 since 2013. The Muth’s also have an endowed scholarship at Montclair that is named for Chuck’s parents, 查尔斯和玛德琳, 支持帕特森商学院的学生.

“Growing up in Paterson 和 attending 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 gave me the foundation I needed to achieve my dreams in business 和 in life, 因此,以这种独特的方式继续我们的支持是一个难得的机会,穆特说。. “To know that this museum will help educate generations of students from the two places that have had the biggest impact on me means the world to us, 和 we cannot wait to see the community 和 Montclair students engaging with the history of Hinchliffe Stadium.”

查尔斯·J. 穆特在帐篷里对人群讲话.
1977年的查克Muth和他的妻子, 劳拉, donated $5 million to allow Montclair to serve as an educational partner for the museum, which chronicles the history 和 legacy of Hinchliffe Stadium – one of two remaining Negro League baseball stadiums in the country – 和 will serve as a cultural touchstone in the city.
十大博彩推荐排名将负责博物馆的教育项目, which will include the curation 和 presentation of a wide range of exhibits 和 programs for diverse audiences.
这个空间将包括一个电影院, interactive displays that engage audiences in the history of the Negro Leagues 和 its famous players (including the more than 20 Hall of Fame players who played at Hinchliffe such as Satchel Paige 和 Paterson native Larry Doby), 以及跨越体育场历史的文物展示, 它在帕特森历史上的地位, 它的复兴.


It will also ensure future learning opportunities for both Paterson 和 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 students, 哪个是城市和机构之间各种倡议的关键组成部分.

“Hinchliffe Stadium was constructed as ‘the city stadium’ with Paterson residents in mind,博物馆馆长杰西卡·布什说. “作为大瀑布国家历史公园的一部分, our museum offers visitors the chance to discover the stadium’s profound national historical significance, 和, 还有帕特森的其他文化机构, help to instill a sense of community pride 和 help to make this city a true travel destination.”

The museum is the latest achievement in the exp和ing relationship between Montclair 和 the City of Paterson.

一平方英里, a place-based approach to community revitalization developed by Montclair 总统 Koppell, 在Geraldine R. 道奇基金会, 东区高中是这项多年计划的第一个组成部分.

“Chuck is a source of inspiration for Paterson children who can look to him as an example of what is possible for them,帕特森市长安德烈·萨耶格说. “Today, we celebrate the restoration of Hinchliffe Stadium, 和 of the opening of The 查尔斯·J. Muth博物馆来讲述它令人难以置信的故事.”

欲了解更多关于查尔斯J. 欣克利夫体育场的莫特博物馆,参观十大博彩推荐排名 社区参与中心.


六个人为查尔斯J. 欣奇利夫体育场博物馆
(左起)帕特森市教育总监劳里·纽维尔, 帕特森市长安德烈·萨耶格说, 乔纳森·科佩尔总统, 查尔斯·J. Muth, 劳拉 Muth和开发者Baye Adofo-Wilson帮助剪彩.
A man with a camera 和 a microphone interviews another man in front of a line of banners featuring players.
帕特森的教育家约瑟夫·富尔莫尔., 正在接受纽约哥伦比亚广播公司的采访, 他解释说,这座博物馆不仅是黑人棒球联盟的博物馆,也是民权博物馆.
帕特森市长Andre Sayegh, 查克Muth和劳拉 Muth在节目中.
开发商Baye Adofo-Wilson在开幕式上发言.
开发商Baye Adofo-Wilson帮助体育场恢复了生机.
贝伊·阿多弗·威尔逊,查尔斯·J. Muth, 劳拉 Muth 和 Jonathan Koppell st和 in front of the information for The 查尔斯·J. 欣奇利夫体育场博物馆.
从左, 开发商Baye Adofo-Wilson, museum benefactors Chuck 和 劳拉 Muth 和 大学 乔纳森·科佩尔总统 at the entrance to the museum.
Museum Director Jessica Bush says the museum offers visitors the chance to discover the stadium’s profound national historical significance.
Laurie Newell在麦克风前发言
帕特森公立学校负责人劳里. 纽维尔与帕特森教育委员会主席曼尼·马丁内斯, 十大博彩推荐排名在博物馆的教育合作伙伴.
更多的横幅, one with a quote from Larry Doby that reads "If you're a pioneer in a historic-type thing, 你会很痛苦的. But you look down the line 和 see you're in a situation that could be very, very big in the future. If we hadn't done it, you probably wouldn't have the Mays 和 Aarons 和 Banks 和 Newcombes."
Banners about Larry Doby, the New York Cubans, Effa Manley 和 the creation of the Negro Leagues
Signs explaining the history of the Negro leagues, highlighting Jackie Robinson 和 Larry Doby.

视频由大学摄像师Christodoulos Apostolou制作. 摄影:John J. 我是十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的LaRosa.


