

毕业生焦点:Richard Steiner-Otoo, “十年一遇”的红鹰领袖, 将目光投向公共服务领域

发布: 首页新闻, 人文社会科学, 研究, 大学

Richard Steiner-Otoo在大学礼堂外向学生讲话.
Montclair Student Government 总统 Richard Steiner-Otoo in his final speech as 招生 Ambassador doing what he does best, 向即将入学的学生讲述如何融入校园生活. (图片来源:John J. LaRosa(十大博彩推荐排名州立大学)

在…服役多年 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学学生会协会 是什么让理查德·斯泰纳-欧图成为校园里最引人注目的学生. 从参加SGA的会议,到在校园集会上演讲,包括 乔纳森·科佩尔总统的授职仪式, 做志愿者,带领未来的学生参观校园, 斯泰纳-欧图一直过着忙碌的红鹰生活.

感谢他在SGA的时光, 首先是作为立法者, 然后是司法部长和过去两年的总统, Steiner-Otoo is clear about his career path in public service after graduation. Specifically, his goal is to work in the People’s House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 最终,他 他计划先攻读MBA学位,然后再攻读法律学位.

“SGA让我意识到,我真正的热情是帮助别人,斯泰纳-欧图说, 谁将在毕业典礼上发表演讲,648名学生将于5月13日在保诚中心毕业. “I honestly did not know what that would even look like but the exposure to public service here on campus made me incredibly interested in it.”

从一开始, 很明显,斯泰纳-欧图, 谁将获得地理学学士学位, 环境与城市研究,辅修政治学, 会在十大博彩推荐排名和其他地方留下不可磨灭的印记吗.

尽管他有许多十大博彩推荐排名的承诺和全职的学术安排, Steiner-Otoo, Theta的成员, 还担任过 博爱理事会主席, 哪个捐赠了500多件食品储藏室物品给贫困社区, hosted an anti-drug-abuse workshop and held a fundraiser in support of the Drug-Free America Foundation.

“Richard has been nothing short of amazing since he started at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学,” says Vice 总统 for Student Development and Campus Life Dawn Meza Soufleris. 从他来学校的第一个月开始, Richard became engaged in so many aspects of campus and in these four years has succeeded in everything. 从他的SGA领导, 与希腊交战, to working multiple campus jobs in both Student Development and Campus Life as well as Enrollment Management, 理查德是红鹰人的缩影, 在取得这些成就的同时,他的学业也很出色.”

Richard Steiner-Otoo带领未来的学生参观校园.
SGA 总统 and 招生 Ambassador Richard Steiner-Otoo gives prospective students a tour of the 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 campus. (图片来自大学摄像师Christo Apostolou的视频)

Mr. 斯泰纳-奥托去了华盛顿

在白宫的暑期实习, 为数不多的被录取的公立大学学生之一, “绝对”帮助斯泰纳-欧图敲定了公共服务交易, 他说. “我想在白宫找份工作. 祈祷.”

斯泰纳-欧图曾在白宫公众参与办公室工作, which “supports the 总统’s goal of building a 政府ernment that is inclusive, 透明的, 负责任的, 并对其公民负责,怀特豪斯说.政府.

“足够有趣, I had the idea of working in the 政府ernment but was unsure if it was the right fit for me, 所以我决定试试实习,他说. “当我问自己‘政府在哪里?“我脑子里第一个跳出来的就是白宫, 所以我在网上查了他们的实习项目,最后申请了.

“A highlight of the internship was getting to connect people who generally would have never thought that they would have an opportunity to get their voice heard by the secretary of transportation, 副总裁和总裁,他说. “My office focused on connecting the public – but especially underrepresented communities – to the White House.”

While there, he was able to mark the inaugural celebration of Juneteenth, now a national holiday. It was definitely a “highlight getting to work the Juneteenth celebration on the White House south lawn.”


White House interns, including Richard Steiner-Otoo, pose for a photo in Washington, D.C.
Richard Steiner-Otoo和其他实习生在白宫前合影, 他在公共参与办公室工作. (图片由Richard Steiner-Otoo提供)

最近, Steiner-Otoo was one of only seven Phi Delta Theta members to be selected to join the Fraternal Government Relations Coalition in Washington, D.C.提倡反欺侮政策 以及国会山的结社自由立法. 作为一名学生倡导者,他所代表的不仅仅是 700多个校区的60万名大学生.

Noting that at least one student a year dies from hazing on a college campus, Steiner-Otoo wrote on his LinkedIn page: “It was a full circle moment to have worked with my chapter over the years to host our annual anti-hazing event at Montclair to working to enact meaningful change across the U.S. 可以拯救生命. 通过倡导立法反对欺侮, 我们的立场是促进问责文化, 同理心, 以及我们大学社区内的相互支持.”


Richard Steiner-Otoo gestures while discussing his research poster at a symposium.
Richard Steiner-Otoo presents his poster on microplastic pollution in Montclair’s waterways at the 大学’s Student 研究 Symposium. (图片由大学摄影师提供 迈克•彼得斯)

Steiner-Otoo says Montclair has also left its mark on him and credits his years for his many opportunities. “我在这儿的时候, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 has provided much more than an undergraduate education, 它改变了我的目标和生活,他最近在领英(LinkedIn)上写道. “Montclair made it possible for me to gain research and leadership experience that will shape my future. I participated in a research project on groundwater contamination in California, 另一个是夏威夷的海底测绘. I even secured a 大学 grant for my own research on the presence of microplastics in local New Jersey streams. As president of the SGA, I’ve learned that I can be a catalyst for positive change.”

Steiner-Otoo对他在SGA的领导工作感到自豪. “I think that structurally, we’ve really come a long way, especially since COVID. One of my favorite initiatives that we did this year was to help students with food insecurity, 我们在哪里为食物不安全的学生提供“餐券”. Noting that “food insecurity on college campuses has been steadily increasing, 对学生的健康和学业成就构成重大挑战,“包括在十大博彩推荐排名, 斯泰纳-欧图努力争取到了14美元,资助全日制有需要学生的膳食计划.

“Through a successful roll out of this project we were able to provide students with support, easing financial burdens during the break and ensuring stress-free holidays,今年3月,他在自己的领英页面上写道. “我很自豪能和米凯拉·休斯顿一起工作, 大学行政和我的执行委员会在这件事上, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have driven positive change and made a difference.”

In reflecting on his final 招生 Ambassador address to incoming students on Accepted Student Day in late April, Steiner-Otoo wrote on LinkedIn: “It’s been an incredible journey showcasing the school I’ve called home for years. 从演讲到带领参观, it’s been an honor to share my love for this campus with prospective students. 为我们新一代的美好回忆和光明未来干杯!”

斯泰纳-欧图的未来看起来确实很光明. “Richard is what I believe to be a ‘once in a decade’ student – someone who can balance it all, 凡事卓越,用心领导,Meza Soufleris说. “他一直是我们学生社区的仆人式领袖, 我知道无论他在十大博彩推荐排名之后在哪, 他势不可挡.”

SGA 总统 Richard Steiner-Otoo [top right] with 总统 Jonathan Koppell and others show their Red Hawk red during Homecoming. (图片由大学摄影师提供 迈克•彼得斯)

Richard Steiner-Otoo stands on a chair while addressing a roomful of fellow volunteers.
Richard Steiner-Otoo rallies fellow Montclair students during the 2023 Martin Luther King Jr. 服务日. (图片来源:John J. LaRosa(十大博彩推荐排名州立大学)

特约撰稿人报道 西尔维娅一个. 马丁内斯.


N.J. 五胞胎从十大博彩推荐排名州立大学毕业,创造历史


