
9/11 Day of Service Showcases Montclair Volunteers’ Commitment to Community Service

大学’s dedication to advancing racial justice, 股本, health 和 student achievement is reflected in public service partnerships

发布: 首页新闻, 大学

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 volunteers work together on a Habitat for Humanity home construction site in Paterson, NJ, 作为9/11纪念日的一部分.
十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 volunteers lend helping h和s to a Habitat for Humanity project in Paterson, 新泽西, 在9/11纪念日期间. (图片来源:John J. LaRosa)

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学’s commitment to public service 和 community partnerships is reflected by the ways student volunteers came together on the 9/11 National Day of Service 和 Remembrance to help build homes, feed the hungry 和 organize donations at 新泽西 nonprofit 和 service organizations.

的 meaningful acts of kindness, community service 和 teamwork by the 大学’s volunteer 邦纳领导人, 下一代服务队美国志愿队和十大博彩推荐排名的一样 姐妹会和兄弟会, exemplify efforts in collaborations with local communities to advance racial justice 和 股本, 改善健康,促进学生成绩.

的 大学 was recently awarded the prestigious Carnegie Leadership for Public Purpose Classification, which recognizes institutions that have committed to campus-wide efforts to advance leadership in pursuit of public goods, 包括正义, 股本, 多样性和自由. 十大博彩推荐排名大学是美国仅有的25所大学之一.S. colleges 和 universities – including the lone 新泽西 public institution 和 one of just 15 public institutions nationwide – to receive the designation.

A Bonner Leader placing items on shelves at the food pantry of Saint Peter’s Haven, a nonprofit in Clifton dedicated to feeding the hungry 和 assisting the homeless.
A Bonner Leader stocks the food pantry at Saint Peter’s Haven, a charitable organization in Clifton that feeds the hungry 和 supports the homeless. (图片来源:John J. LaRosa)


Montclair is training 学生 to be effective in public service 和 to make a difference in the world.

  • 下一代服务队 prepares undergraduates from all disciplines for public service careers.
  • 邦纳领袖计划 provides 学生 with civic engagement 和 public service opportunities.

A redesigned Honors Program inspires 学生 to explore public service 和 creative leadership. 新 荣誉边缘 program offers academic, experiential, 和 leadership opportunities.

Montclair is also immersed in a collective impact project in Paterson called “一平方英里” focused on transforming 新泽西’s third-largest 和 one of its poorest cities.

  • 在该市的公立学校,十大博彩推荐排名教师 支持老师的工作 和 school leaders in the district’s multicultural classrooms.
  • 向上的束缚 prepares Paterson high schoolers for college. 去年,每一个 向上的束缚 participant who graduated from high school was accepted into a post-secondary degree program.
  • 的 Communities Organizing for Prevention 和 Empowerment (C.O.P.E.) Initiative features Montclair 学生 assisting in classes aimed at 防止药物滥用和艾滋病毒传播 在非裔美国人和拉丁裔年轻人中.
  • On the city’s streets, there are efforts to address 减少伤害和刑事司法改革.

该大学的 growing partnership also includes the revival of 亨克里乌体育馆, one of America’s last remaining Negro League ballparks. Montclair alumnus 和 Paterson native Chuck Muth ’77 和 his wife, Laura, made a 500万美元的变革性礼物 that allows the 大学 to partner in the creation 和 operation of a museum to tell the story of the league 和 the integration of baseball.

Volunteers delivering backpacks to Eastside High School in Paterson, contributing to the 9/11 Day of Service school supply donation effort.
十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 volunteers deliver backpacks to Eastside High School in Paterson as part of the 9/11 Day of Service donation drive. (迈克·彼得斯摄)

How Montclair Observed the 2024 Day of Service 和 Remembrance

在周六, 9月7日, 和过去一样, 学生, 教职员工, 分散在整个地区建造房屋, 干净的公园, 组织食品储藏室的捐赠, pack book bags 和 work with adults with cerebral palsy, 在其他活动中. A campus-wide donation drive contributed school supplies for 学生 at Eastside High School in Paterson. A record number 360 volunteers participated from Montclair 和 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学布鲁姆菲尔德学院.

该大学的 社区参与中心 sponsors the events to allow 学生 to serve in a meaningful way, honoring all those who died 和 responded 和 rekindling the spirit of unity that arose in America in the immediate aftermath of the September 11, 2001, 恐怖袭击. A similar Day of Service event is held annually to honor the legacy of 马丁·路德·金.

大学校长乔纳森·科佩尔说, who has made public service a cornerstone of his administration, 和学生一起努力, 告诉他们, “We are a community that is capable of so much when we work together.”

Montclair 总统 Jonathan Koppell taking a selfie with three volunteers at a Habitat for Humanity construction site during the 9/11 Day of Service.
纪念这一时刻, Montclair 总统 Jonathan Koppell snaps a selfie at the Habitat for Humanity construction site. (图片来源:John J. LaRosa)


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