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Web Publishing

About This Policy

Responsible Office
Information Technology

1.0 Purpose

Montclair State University’s web presence is essential to its mission of teaching, learning, and public service. However, any information published to a web server can potentially be viewed, copied, and redistributed by anyone who can access it via a web browser. 因此,大学的网络出版政策寻求建立标准和指导方针,将:

  • Support the vision, mission, goals and traditional academic values of the university.
  • Assist web publishers in developing sites that comply with university policies, rules, and regulations, and all applicable local, State, and Federal laws.
  • 方便大学的官方业务和适当的网上交易,同时保持必要的安全和隐私水平.
  • 概述维护机密/敏感信息的完整性和安全性的机制,这些信息出于合法的商业或教学原因必须存储在校园web服务器上或通过校园web服务器访问.
  • 定义web帐户创建策略,以确保只有那些具有适当授权的个人才能将内容发布到montclair中的web服务器.edu domain.

本Web发布策略文档不打算作为网页外观的样式指南, nor does it address areas of web page design or branding. 请参阅大学发展的网络服务页面有关十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的网页设计和品牌标准的指导方针的分工. 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学社区成员在任何媒介中对敏感和机密信息的适当保护和处理的具体要求在大学的保护敏感和机密信息政策文件中进行了描述.

2.0 Scope

This policy document applies to:

  • Montclair State University’s official website,
  • All web pages located on servers within the domain.
  • University-affiliated sites outside of the domain using approved Montclair State University trademarked or copyrighted materials, images, logos, etc.
  • 应用服务提供商(asp)或与大学签订合同提供在线服务的供应商的网页. Examples include, but are not limited to, online learning management systems and vendor “portals” for procurement of equipment, services, and supplies.
  • Faculty, staff, 以及位于连接到校园网的任何服务器或设备上的学生页面,这些服务器或设备能够提供web内容.
  • Individuals who have been assigned custodial rights to a departmental web publishing account.

3.0 Policy

网络发布者对其发布的网页内容负责,并应遵守最高的质量和责任标准. These responsibilities apply to all publishers, whether they are colleges, departments, student or employee organizations, or individuals.

  • 所有网站内容必须符合大学的保护敏感和机密信息政策文件. Among other things, this means that sensitive University information including, but not limited to, student records, financial records, 或任何其他机密或私人信息不得显示在可公开访问的网页上或以未加密的形式存储在网络服务器上.
  • 网页只能使用it授权用户帐户发布到校园网上的服务器上. 授权用户帐户的示例包括MSU netid以及OIT为发布web内容而创建的任何部门或特定于应用程序的登录.
  • 所有用于网络发布的账户均应符合学校的账户管理和密码管理政策.
  • 任何要求用户名和密码进行身份验证的网站或在线表单都必须通过安全(SSL/TLS)连接进行用户名/密码输入和实际表单提交过程. See Section 3.4 for more details.
  • 一个网站的主页应该清楚地标明负责其创建和维护的个人或单位. 建议从网站主页链接的任何子页面都应该包含类似的信息.

3.1 College and Departmental Web Pages

由学院或部门维护和操作的非oit web服务器受所有大学关于服务器配置的政策的约束, security, account management, and content as defined in the following policy documents:

  • Network Connectivity Policy
  • Account Management Policy
  • Password Management Policy
  • Safeguarding Sensitive and Confidential Information Policy
  • Web Application Development Policy

At the University’s discretion, 大学的整体搜索引擎索引和网站统计收集过程中可能包括学院和部门的网络服务器.

3.2 Personal Web Pages

在校园社区中有许多服务可以促进个人网页的发布. Some examples include:

  • MSUWeb“public_html”文件夹提供给所有教职员工和学生与活跃的MSU NetID.
  • Faculty/staff cover pages on the main University website.
  • The Blackboard learning management system (course content, student portfolios, discussion groups.)
  • Various college and departmental web servers that allow personal web pages.
  • 装有网页伺服器软件的个人电脑(注:这些网页伺服器受大学防火墙限制,只可在校内使用).)

使用上述一项或多项服务发布网页内容的个人须遵守本协议的所有政策, as well as all other University computing policies, and state, federal, and local laws.

3.3 Copyright


3.4 Online forms and Transactional Web Pages

Various colleges, departments, 行政单位有合法的需要使用网上表格和事务性网页收集和处理信息. Some examples include WESS online registration, applications for Financial Aid, Graduate School applications, event/seminar registration, and surveys. The following rules apply to any online form or transactional web page, whether it is hosted on an OIT-operated web server, college or departmental web server, or an individual’s web server.

  • 个人(个人)网页不得用于收集个人身份信息,如MSU网号和密码, Social Security numbers, home address, or any other personal identity information as defined by applicable state, federal, and local laws.
  • Colleges, departments, 和需要收集个人身份信息的行政单位只能使用OIT为此目的提供的或经OIT对安全和隐私合规性进行评估的网络表格或交易系统.
  • 任何在线表格或交易网站都必须在网站上清楚地说明将如何处理收集到的信息, and provide a link to the University’s privacy policy.
  • All transactional websites must comply with University policies regarding server configuration, security, account management, and content as defined in Section 3.1 above.
  • 在线表格和交易网站应该只收集完成表格或交易所需的最少数量的信息.
  • Where possible, give users the option of not identifying themselves.
  • 清楚地说明谁在收集信息,并提供上下文,以便用户了解收集信息的原因.
  • Use and disclose personal information only for the primary purpose for which it was collected, and in accordance with the University’s Safeguarding Sensitive and Confidential Information policy.

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