

Below you will find answers to some of the most common questions about the 410年的社会实习. If you still have questions after reviewing the answers below, please contact Dr. Stephen Ruszczyk.

问:什么是410年的社会:高级研讨会 & 实习?

A: 410年的社会 is an option for the capstone required for all students majoring in 社会学. The mandatory classroom seminar complements the applied field component and includes discussions of organizational models, 解决冲突, 道德, 保密, 职业选择, 简历写作和面试技巧. Discussion themes incorporate a multidisciplinary perspective.

  • Class meets weekly online on Friday morning from 8:15 to 9:30 am.
  • At least 100 hours of field work must be completed
  • 410年的社会 is taken in your senior year at Montclair

A: This course is an option for the required capstone course. 它为你提供了该领域的经验. It gives you experience in a setting consistent with your course of study. It helps to build your resume with related experience. It provides you with the ability to network in a professional setting.


答:410年的社会是在密歇根州立大学的最后一年修的. 410年的社会课程在春季学期开设.


A: The following deadlines are firm as it takes significant time to process and place applicants. Failure to submit on-time will most likely result in having to take 410年的社会 the following semester. 我们鼓励尽早提交申请.

  • 本课程申请截止日期为 11月15日.

A: 410年的社会有几个要求.

Students must complete the core courses and achieve a C- or better prior to their placement semester in order to be eligible for 410年的社会:

  • 社会学调查的基础
  • 社会统计240:社会统计
  • SOCI 301:研究方法
  • SOCI 313: Sociological Theory: A Critical Analysis (recommended)

Students applying for 410年的社会 for the spring semester must complete all the prerequisites by the previous fall semester. Courses taken during the Winter Session do not factor into eligibility for the spring semester.


A: 410年的社会 will be discussed at all first year and transfer orientations. 410年的社会 is listed as an option to the requirement for your major on your Degree Audit.

Q: Where can the application for 410年的社会 be found?

A: The application for 410年的社会 can be found on the 实习信息页面 或者直接通过 谷歌的形式. The application is an online form and must be completed in one sitting.


A:你可以在 410年的社会信息页 under “实习 Applications” when the applications are live.

Q: How will I know my 410年的社会 application was submitted successfully?

答:在提交在线申请之后, you should receive a confirmation message and an email with your submitted responses immediately. 如果你没有收到这些, your application may not have been successfully submitted and you should follow up with Ruszczyk教授.

Q: What should I expect after submitting my application?

A: Within 5-7 business days of submitting your application, you will receive an email from Dr. Ruszczyk with next steps pending if your application was approved or denied. It is your responsibility to check your Montclair email for updates regarding 410年的社会.


A: If your application is approved, you will need to schedule an internship meeting with Dr. Ruszczyk within two weeks of being notified that your application was accepted. At your meeting, you will discuss internship site preferences and how to apply. It may be your responsibility to apply and you will need to follow through and follow up with internship sites of interest. Many internship applications have deadlines and failure to apply by appropriate deadlines will jeopardize your candidacy.

Q: What do I need to bring with me to the placement meeting?

A: You will need to bring a copy of your resume and Degree Audit from Degree Works in .

Q: What if I am interested in a specific internship site with deadlines prior to the application open/deadline date?

A: Some internships require extensive background checks that can take 6-9 months (i.e. 联邦实习). If you are interested in a federal internship or other site that may have an earlier application deadline, 请联系博士. ruszzyk很好地提前讨论了这些选项.


答:博士. Ruszczyk cannot guarantee placement at any site, or at a specific location. 在任何时候, students are encouraged to remain vigilant about finding a placement, 因为410年的社会是学位要求, and it is ultimately your responsibility to complete all requirements (at all stages) for this course. Final decisions for internships are made by the site based on background clearance, 简历的优势, 和面试.

Q: What are the minimum requirements for an internship to be approved?

A: 实习 requirements will be reviewed in detail during the placement meeting, 但总的来说, internships must be a minimum of 100 hours of work and 10 weeks during Spring semesters. 实习将与社会学相关, 有直接的专业主管吗, 成为一个持续的有意义的学习经历.

Q: Can I use my current place of employment or self-place for 410年的社会?

是的, you may be able to use your current place of employment for 410年的社会 if the position meets the minimum requirements of a 社会学 internship. 所有的自我安置都需要得到博士的批准. Ruszczyk.


A: 410年的社会 is an option for the Degree requirement. 要么 410年的社会 or 400年的社会 is required for all students majoring in 社会学.

Q: Can I change placements once the semester has started?

A:你需要和医生确认一下. Ruszczyk to discuss why you may need to change placements and if your new placement is approved.