

Authentic Networking, 毕业调查 and 工作 in 握手…more!

发布: 公告, 职业生涯, 事件, 特色的新闻

Picture of a student sitting on a campus bench working on a tablet.

学校这个学期可能放假, but our offices are open and ready to help you achieve your career goals. Reach out to your career advisor for personalized guidance and support and be sure to check 握手 regularly for jobs and internships!

Book a 职业生涯 Counseling Appointment in 握手

Connect now with the career services office in your college. Your designated career team is here to help you at all stages of your career development, 包括对简历提出批评, 面试技巧, 在合作社和实习方面提供帮助, 还有找工作的策略.


Because no one knows you as well as you know yourself – your goals, 你的成就, your strengths – no one can write an effective resume and cover letter for you but you. You must be comfortable with every word in your resume and be able to speak easily about whatever you write.


在LinkedIn上更新个人资料和简历, 握手 and other sites where you are marketing yourself for employment opportunities.


Don’t go at it alone; use our step-by-step 握手 guide to set-up your search and receive personalized suggestions. You can even set alerts and receive notifications. Your 职业生涯 Advisor is also here to help you, so don’t hesitate to book an appointment!


在你明天扔掉帽子之前, take a moment to complete the graduation survey and share your thoughts with us.


Your feedback matters, complete the survey and let us know how we did!


  • 2023年8月,2024年1月和2024年5月毕业


Networking can sometimes feel overwhelming and intimidating, leaving many feeling forced into interactions. Learning how to network more authentically can help alleviate anxiety and create meaningful connections.

  • Actively engage with instructors and classmates.
  • Consider joining a young professionals association or group.
  • Be an attentive listener; instead of waiting for your turn to speak, listen with the intention of understanding the other person.
  • Ask questions and share challenges or setbacks.
  • Look for common interests to connect with the person you’re speaking with.

Authentic networking is not only meaningful but can also help you stand out and build genuine connections. Incorporating some vulnerability into your networking, such as sharing setbacks or discussing challenges, 能让对话感觉更真诚吗!

Empowering Future Educators: Highlights from the Educators’ Exchange

周四, 4月11日, The College for Education and 参与d Learning hosted their annual Educators’ Exchange. The event was a dynamic gathering that connected aspiring teachers with school district representatives, providing a unique platform for students to explore career opportunities and network with professionals in the education field.

To learn more about potential career pathways in education and the career resources available to students in our education programs, 请浏览 College for Education and 参与d Learning website.



This is just a snapshot of available positions, to find all of our on-campus employment opportunities head over to 握手. Be sure to check back frequently so you don’t miss out!


  • Click on the “工作” link in the upper right corner of your screen.
  • Click the “On Campus” filter at the top of your search page.
  • Click the “Show Results” button on the lower right corner to see your search results.

专家提示: After you click the Save your Job 搜索 link at the top of your results, you can set up job alerts (email notifications) when similar positions are posted. If you find a position that interests you and you are not ready to apply, you can choose it by clicking the star on the upper right of the corner of the position and apply later.

