Photo of young adults sitting in group drinking coffee and using their cellphones.


Studying abroad will almost certainly be a life-changing experience and a highlight in your son or daughter’s educational experience. Study abroad can transform a student into a global thinker with international perspectives- which will certainly be an advantage prospective employers in a wide variety of fields.

Here are some suggestions for helping your student with preparations and with maximizing the impact of the study abroad experience.


Make sure your student understands what policies apply to him or her while abroad. Your student will attend the mandatory pre-departure orientations organized by the Office of 国际学术活动, 关于信用的信息, 注册状态, 金融援助, study abroad-related fees and services the school will provide while abroad, 课程, 学术课程的变化, 成绩报告, 费用和退款. Parents are welcome to attend the pre-departure orientation meetings as well.


Your son or daughter will need to check that his or her passport is valid at least six months beyond end of stay. Depending on the length of stay and citizenship, a visa may be required. 家长应持有有效护照,以备不时之需.


One pre-departure orientation meeting will be devoted to health and safety with detailed information about the mandatory GeoBlue insurance policy.  Please refer to 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学’s insurance page for a full description of the study abroad GeoBlue insurance that is required for all students.

Parents are welcome to attend the pre-departure orientation as well as students.

出发前, it’s a good idea to have a general physical and dental exam or gynecological checkup. Make sure he or she packs a complete medical record and a typed copy of any prescriptions needed, 以其通用形式而不是品牌名称. Ask your doctor how best to handle routine prescription medications. It is always a good idea to be up-to-date with immunizations, including a tetanus shot. 请参阅美国疾病控制与预防中心和美国.S. Department of State for further information on recommended or required inoculations specific to your student’s host country.

Students on plans other than the 大学 contracted Aetna health insurance should check with their provider prior to departure to determine whether they have coverage while abroad. If not, students are encouraged to purchase an overseas health insurance policy.


Decide with your son or daughter how to access money for both everyday financial needs and emergencies. 为目的地研究最实用的方法. Ask your bank how (or if) its ATM card will function abroad and what extra fees there might be. 可以预支现金的个人信用卡也不错. It may be necessary to make arrangements to pay any monthly bills and, 如果有必要的话, 为你的儿子或女儿申报所得税.


Unless the student is traveling on a group flight in a faculty-led program, 研究旅行费用并帮助预订机票. Check airline regulations regarding the type and size of luggage that can be carried. Be aware of any restrictions the tickets you purchase may have (such as a change policy).


Make sure you have a telephone number where you can reach your student and know the times of day when he or she is most likely to be there. Contact your phone service provider to arrange for international calling, 研究互联网电话的选择, or learn the most inexpensive way to call collect or wirelessly from the destination country. You may be able to select an international plan that has reduced calling rates to that particular country to minimize costs of calling from home. You may wish to set up a regular schedule for e-mailing, instant messaging (WhatsApp) or Skype.


Make sure you will be informed if your student runs into difficulty overseas. 因为学生几乎都是成年人(18岁以上), you will not receive that information unless you are designated as his or her emergency contact. 讨论你将如何处理可能出现的家庭紧急情况. Make sure your student has all family telephone numbers; access codes for messages on family answering machines; phone numbers for several out-of-state relatives; and several e-mail addresses.


Gather all of the information you and your student might need while he or she is away, including:

  • Contact information for the program provider (ask if they have a 24-hour emergency number)
  • Contact information for the Office of 国际学术活动
  • 过去治疗过你孩子的医生
  • Citizen assistance section of the embassy or consulate nearest your student’s program
  • U.S. 国家政府部门. 海外公民服务办事处
  • 您的健康保险号码以及如何提交索赔
  • Aetna OnCall身份证
  • 你学生的信用卡号码
  • 您学生的护照号码
  • 你的学生的项目行程或日程表

We recommend keeping a “lost passport kit” both at home and with your student abroad containing:

  • 两张护照照片
  • 出生证明的正式复印件
  • 护照照片、签名和签证页复印件

You may have to help handle some things for your son or daughter while he or she is abroad, such as:

  • 更新驾照
  • 登记投票或申请缺席投票
  • 申报所得税
  • 每月支付信用卡账单
  • Preparing for the next semester at the home school (open mail from the college and remind your student)
  • 注册课程
  • 在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学选择住宿
  • 准备继续提供经济援助的表格

Remember to remind your student to share as much information with you as possible throughout the process.


请访问Go Overseas的这篇文章 which addresses many concerns and fears that parents have about their child studying abroad.

