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Mark Chopping

Professor, Earth and Environmental Studies

MPhil, University of Cambridge (England)
PhD, University of Nottingham (England)
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Mark Chopping received the M.Phil. in Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems from the University of Cambridge in 1995 and the Ph.D. in Remote Sensing from the University of Nottingham in 1998. 主要研究方向为利用星载传感器多角度数据和中分辨率非最低点数据双向反射率分布函数模型绘制植被冠层结构和类型. He has worked in arid and semi-arid environments in China and in the United States, and more recently in Arctic tundra.

In 1999 he joined the Agricultural Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture as Physical Scientist, working on remote sensing of arid rangelands. 他还曾担任欧洲航天局项目的调查员,该项目利用PROBA任务中飞行的紧凑型高分辨率成像光谱仪提供的多角度数据. 2002年,他加入十大博彩推荐排名州立大学地球与环境研究系,担任助理教授。2003年,他成为NASA地球观测系统项目的首席研究员,该项目利用MISR和MODIS的数据绘制干旱环境中的植被群落和碳库. Since then he has served as Principal Investigator in several other NASA-funded projects. In 2017 he was appointed as Director of the Ph.D. Program in Environmental Science and Management


ENSM program:
RS Lab:
MISR Science Team:

Forest Aboveground Biomass Mapping with MISR:

- GCOS 2022 presentation:
- Overview:
- Paper:
- Dataset at the Oak Ridge National Labs DAAC:


Director, Ph.D. program in Environmental Science and Management, 2017-
Ph.D. program website:
Remote Sensing:
- Multiangle remote sensing
- Interpretation of high resolution imagery
- Terrestrial Ecology/Carbon Cycle Science
- Forest biomass mapping:
..........AGU 2020:
..........GCOS 2022:


Office Hours


1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Via Zoom, or by appointment.


3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Or by appointment. Mode: Zoom unless otherwise requested in advance.



Research Projects

PI for several other NASA-funded projects, not listed here...

Several other NASA-funded projects, not listed here, including continuous membership of the NASA, JPL Multiangle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer (MISR) Science Team since 2004 (official NASA appointment: 2008).

A Decade of Changes in Aboveground Live Standing Dry Biomass, Canopy Cover, Height, and Understory Density in the Southwestern United States from EOS MISR and MODIS

该项目的目标是利用多角度成像光谱辐射计(MISR)和中分辨率成像光谱辐射计(MODIS)的数据绘制2000-2009年美国西南部树木和灌木地上直立活干生物量的变化. 它将利用在以前的地球观测系统项目中开发的创新方法,利用双向反射因子(BRF)数据中的结构信号而不是光谱信号:这种方法在估计250米高度的灌木丰度和原始森林冠层参数方面取得了成功,精度很高. The method is predicated on the strong structural signal available in MISR and MODIS BRF data: both instruments view far from nadir, 引入可用于预测林下植被密度的反射各向异性,以及反演冠层盖度和平均冠层高度的几何光学模型. 使用这两个参数估算的地上直立活干生物量可能比基于光谱测量的估算更准确,因为考虑了冠层高度.

该项目建立在GO模型反演行为的基础上,这些行为源于最近针对高分辨率离散返回激光雷达数据和正射影成像(而不是针对中等或中等分辨率数据产品)评估检索结果的努力,以及一种获取高分辨率验证数据的新的高效自动化方法:全色图像冠层分析(CANAPI)算法. This is able to delineate crowns using only high resolution panchromatic imagery and provide accurate measures of crown cover for the large (>250 m^2) areas needed for validation of moderate resolution products. 树冠覆盖估计也需要改进背景子模型校准,这对通过GO模型反演获得的覆盖和高度检索的准确性和精度至关重要. Reference data will also include ground survey data for a number of well-characterized sites and lidar canopy heights where available. The approach has several advantages: MISR and MODIS cover large areas efficiently, allowing evaluation of trajectories through time from 2000; MISR views away from the solar principal plane allowing the background and upper canopy contributions to be isolated; explicitly acknowledging and exploiting structural effects provides potentially less ambiguous measures than spectral indices; and output maps include shrubs as well as trees. 其他研究小组已经确定了利用多角度图像在大尺度上绘制林下植被密度的能力,并指出了实现与激光雷达和雷达传感器数据的协同增效作用.g., between the DESDyNI and ACE missions that will fly active instruments and a multiangle polarimeter, respectively).

这项研究很重要,因为可能与气候条件变化有关的干扰——由于全球变暖——似乎在确定美国西南部的地上碳储量方面发挥着越来越重要的作用. These include unusually extensive and severe losses in forest cover from a modified fire regime; unusually extensive and severe insect outbreaks (pine and spruce beetle); and continued woody encroachment into former desert grasslands. 在许多地方,荒漠草原上灌木数量的增加已经降低了土地支持可行的畜牧业经济的能力,而且在生态系统结构和功能以及对气候的反馈方面也很重要. As well as leveraging recent advances in exploiting EOS data using this novel modeling framework, 这项研究还解决了NASA碳循环、生态系统和陆地生态项目的迫切需要,以进一步研究地表生物量在干扰和恢复过程中的量化变化, and to address measurement uncertainty in low biomass regions.

NOTE: the website represents work from previous NASA-sponsored projects as well as this one.

Mapping Changes in Shrub Abundance & Biomass in Arctic Tundra using NASA Earth Observing System Data: A Structural Approach

这项由美国宇航局赞助的项目的目标是利用美国宇航局在非常大的区域(例如:北极)上的中分辨率太阳波长反射图像绘制北极冻土带灌木丰度图,并估计木本生物量的空间分布.e., the Arctic). 我们的主要目标是绘制植物的树冠覆盖度分布图,但由于我们正在利用多角度方法(如.g. surface roughness metrics, canopy height), we may also be able to provide estimates of height and biomass (Mg ha-1). Adapting and applying multi-angle remote sensing methods developed in earlier research projects, we aim to use these two information dimensions (horizontal and vertical) to inform efforts to map cover and aboveground woody biomass.